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RTO No. 40879 | CRICOS No. 04213K 

AUCTUS Consulting Pty Ltd
Auctus Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - Self-Employment Assistance


Can I receive the Self-Employment Allowance?

If you are currently on Job Seeker payment, you can receive the Self-Employment Allowance for up to 39 weeks (paid fortnightly), and may be eligible to receive Self-Employment Rental Assistance for up to 26 weeks.

Am I eligible if I am not receiving Income Support?

Even if you are not receiving an Income Support Payment, you can still access the same training and mentoring support to help you grow your own business.
However, you won't be eligible to receive ongoing income support through the Self-Employment Allowance.

How will I know if my business idea will be approved?

You will have an initial meeting with Auctus staff to determine how your general business idea can be made viable enough to pursue further. Small Business Training will assist you in a more in-depth development of the business idea as it considers all aspects of the approval process.

How long does the Small Business Training course run for?

Small Business Training occurs 2 days per week across 6 weeks (12 training days total).

Will I receive a qualification at the end of Small Business Training?

Yes - you will receive a Nationally Accredited Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business (BSB30220).

How often will I see my mentor during Business Coaching?

You will receive Business Mentoring at least once every two months throughout the period of Small Business Coaching. The first of these visits will be within the first month of your commencement in Small Business Coaching.

Does Self-Employment Assistance provide any start-up loans or grants?

Unfortunately, Self-Employment Assistance does not provide start-up loans or grants.

What if my business isn't viable by the end of the Business Coaching? Will I have to pay my money back?

The good news is there is no penalty to you. All business / new enterprises need time to be fully established and our aim is to give you the best support possible during the start-up process. You are not obliged to repay any of your Self-Employment Allowance or Self-Employment Rental Assistance.