08 8337 4441 

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RTO No. 40879 | CRICOS No. 04213K 

AUCTUS Consulting Pty Ltd
Auctus Team

Meet the Self-Employment Team



Meet the Self-Employment Assistance Team from Auctus!





Vicky Donato

Program Manager

With 7 years experience, Vicky has led many business in Pt. Augusta, Pt. Lincoln and Whyalla to success through her passion for helping others to realise their dreams.



Click here to learn more.

Reece Trevenen

Program Cordinator

An integral part of our Self-Employment Assistance Team. Reece provides Auctus clients with original ideas and processes that will help their new businesses thrive.



Click here to learn more.

Nadia Donato

Business Development & Engagement Consultant

Nadia's love for people allows her to connect with and encourage aspiring new business owners to reach their full potential and pursue their dreams. 


Click here to learn more.



Craig Joppich

Mentor, Trainer & Assessor

Brings extensive experience assisting thousands of small business owners take their business to the next level. 



Click here to learn more.

Mimmo Romeo

Mentor, Trainer & Assessor

With decades of experience across many small business sectors, Mimmo will passionately provide you with a wealth of knowledge.


Click here to learn more.

David Hazel

Mentor, Trainer & Assessor

Enjoys working with participants, developing strengths and highlighting areas of improvement, with his inclusive, empathetic style of training.


Click here to learn more.



Daniella Piantodosi

Training Officer

With a keen focus on progress and development, regardless of small or big steps, Daniella consistently goes the extra mile to support and inspire those she works with.


Click here to learn more.

Hannah Peronace

Administration Support

A silent worker in the background, Hannah enjoyes watching people's passions come to life and finds it rewarding to contribute to their success, even if it's behind the scenes. 



Click here to learn more.

Jade Caruana

Participant Engagement and Support Officer

With a keen eye for detail, Jade's passion to support others makes her shine in the Self-Employment Team. 



Click here to learn more.



If you would like to learn more about what the Self-Employment Assistance program is all about, contact our friendly team today!

E: selfemployment@auctus.com.au

Ph: 08 8337 4441