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RTO No. 40879 | CRICOS No. 04213K 

AUCTUS Consulting Pty Ltd

Auctus Coaching

Auctus Coaching is an active process that helps individuals and organizations to be clear about the results they would like to achieve and how to get there.

The Milestones of Auctus coaching are designed to help you understanding where you are , what it means , your desired future position and what action you need to take to get there.


Where you are

Any destination is relative to where you are. Coaching is no different. The first step is to establish where you are in the four dimensions of our coaching program. This begins with examining you and your business. Areas such as personality profiling, current programs, goals, strengths weaknesses and financial performance are reviewed for areas for improvement.


What it means

Having now the information of your current position, the potential and the barriers that exist are analysed and a best practice are adapted. The focus creates action plan steps that aims to modify results and behaviour for greater results.


Desired future position

A series of processes are used to uncover what your brands future position will be. This definition of the vision and future goals helps to create focus and form the basis of the strategic plans developed.


Prescribed Course of Action

Meeting with your coach the action steps are developed with the purpose of focusing all of the activities on the personal and business goals desired .Having your coach available helps you stay focused and accountable. Your coach is your strategic partner who helps you stay focused on the actions that deliver the shift in the big picture you are looking for.


What you can expect

First exploratory session is free.


Personalised attention is what you can expect that is work out specifically for you, your time your schedule your outcomes.


Once your Coach or Mentor works out your plan your will have clear view of how often you will meet (e.g. Weekly Monthly etc.) and in what manner ( phone ,meeting, email etc.)


The session is at least 1 ½ hours preferably in a relaxed setting.


Programs can be worked out on a monthly arrangement with a minimum of 3 sessions at the start.


Fees can be worked on a monthly fee or hourly rate. Different arrangements offer better value for different clients.


Coaching vs Mentoring