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RTO No. 40879 | CRICOS No. 04213K 

AUCTUS Consulting Pty Ltd

Auctus Mentoring

Auctus Mentoring is a fluid process with a number of unique outcomes dependant on the mentee participation. Although flexible, you can expect a shift in insight skill and results driven from changes in your personal and professional discovery.



Your Auctus mentor will lead by listening and as the relationship develops seeking to gain insight and exploration the objectives and goals sough from the program. This should hopefully bring up any significant personal or professional attitudes to consider testing.
Negotiating a flexible agenda and asking the right questions will set the stage to summarise the starting point for you.
If it is something significant, related to changes in personal or professional attitudes and behaviour, you may find that you need to explore an issue on and off over several months or longer.



With a positive mindset your Mentor will support and seek to understand your personal and professional priorities; what needs to be developed in your strengths further and work on opportunities for improvements.
Sharing of experiences from your Mentor is most beneficial at this time combined with principle catered advice.
New insight is the key to this stage and usually requires time and exploration the more open the conversation and free the conversation the more direction will be revealed.



With possible actions to take in mind your mentor will help you look closer at the options and what consequences they would bring.
Creative thinking and decision making help formulate what steps to take. The more detailed consideration and time taken often produces the best result without feeling the pressure to produce results. This will vary depending on the complexity if the issues faced. The quality of action is firmly linked to the quality of the first two stages.


What you can expect

First exploratory session is free. Personalised attention is what you can expect that is work out specifically for you, your time your schedule your outcomes. Once your Coach or Mentor works out your plan your will have clear view of how often you will meet (e.g. Weekly Monthly etc.) and in what manner ( phone ,meeting, email etc.)


The session is at least 1 ½ hours preferably in a relaxed setting. Programs can be worked out on a monthly arrangement with a minimum of 3 sessions at the start.


Fees can be worked on a monthly fee or hourly rate. Different arrangements offer better value for different clients.


Coaching vs Mentoring